The Girl: Juliet, Julie, Jules. 27. 5'3". Proud Canadian and Toronto resident. University girl no longer, recent addition to the real world. Capricorn on the cusp of Aquarius. Owner of 1 blog, 1 website, and 1 fanlisting, which is enough for now. Insane. Honest. Loyal. Caring. Occasionally witty. Dreamer. Realist. Dork. Oxymoron. Walking contradiction. Addicted to Buffy, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Our Lady Peace, Savage Garden, movies, various movie people, fanlistings, fanfiction, the Internet, and addictions. ( More? )
Blogger Profile Blogger code: B9 d- t- k s+ u-- f- i o+ e- l+ c (decode) Geek code: GB d-@ s: a-- C++ U? P L E? W++ N o? K- w+ O? M V? PS(++) !PE Y PGP- t !5 X+ !R tv+ b+ DI-- D+ G e>++(*) h! !r x? (decode) Buffy geek code: OS++ FB= VAus DCa++ S+++ MU+++ N+ CS(B/A, Wi/O, Wi/T, X/Ay) US+ FF+ SP W+ II 2.22
I may have left out a country here or there because I don't remember all the stops, off-hand, that we made on the cruises I've been on, but hey, it's more or less accurate.
Tomorrow's my last day in la bella Siena and I'm both looking forward to getting home and sorry that it's time to go. Back to the world where, to get anywhere (except for, possibly, the mailbox, the bus stop, and Susan's house, say) you have to get into your [parents'] car and drive there. The world with computers and cellular phones and fast (compared to here) living. Sigh. But it will be good to go home finally, I think, and of course I'd like to see all my family and friends again. Can't believe no one's thought to visit me here yet. ;) *mock scoffs* Honestly. How difficult would it REALLY be to take a 9 hour flight and 2 hour bus ride and walk for 10 minutes to come visit me at my residence here? :) hehe.
Anyway, this is probably my last post from Italia -- I've got, like, 4 hours of Internet time, though, because someone left Siena yesterday and didn't need her Net time anymore. But don't worry, Mom, because I'm not gonna spend my last day and a bit using the Internet for 4 hours...
Can't think what to write now, because I have very little and very much to say and I can't decide which feeling is more dominant, so I'm just going to stop here for now. It's been good. Arrivederci Siena and hellllllo Toronto! It'll be lovely to see you...
All of a sudden, I've been here 4 weeks -- a whole month -- and there's only 1 week left. Yowzers. How did that happen?
I missed the opening ceremonies of the Olympics on the 13th because I thought they were starting on the 18th. My bad. Oh well; the TV (on the other side of res) only has 6 Italian channels and MTV (:P) anyway...
Not much to report. Been a quiet weekend. I've been getting some course readings done, which is good, but right now I'm a little hungry, which is bad because I've been snacking on stuff all day (it's what happens when you're studying) and shouldn't conceivably (inconceivable!) be hungry again already. *shrugs* Ah well. If a girl's gotta eat, a girl's gotta eat...
Susan - you said I'd probably get sick of pizza. I haven't, although I'm a little bored of there being little else to choose from. It's pizza, or it's pasta, or it's a sandwich, or... very starchy. lol. Not that I really mind, but that's why I have salad all the time these days to counteract it all. Heh. Guess walking around everywhere helps, too... All right, gonna go get some Chinese food.
Helloooooo everybody! (sorry, no idea why I was channeling Dr. Nick from The Simpsons there....)
Had my first test yesterday and got it back today...did very well, which is a relief because I didn't know what to expect having never taken a summer course (and in nice, sunny Italy, no less) before so I'm the bit of studying I did before the test actually helped. Phew!
Taking it easy this weekend -- don't want to fall behind in the cursed readings for the course -- and on Monday interesting things should be going on because it'll be Palio day, which is a horse race and pretty much THE big event here in Siena. There'll be trial races starting Friday morning. They've laid down (in superquick time, too) the dirt in the Campo so when I get back to res in the afternoon I have to remember to clean off my sandals. :P Just cleaned my floor yesterday, too, so that's an extra incentive there...
Hmm, what for lunch today? Mensa (cafeteria)? Pizza from somewhere? Panini sandwich? *shrug* I'll come up with something. Ate most of the food I had at my res, though, because when you're studying and getting a bit bored and there's food sitting on the shelf right in front of you...well....let's just say - the food goes quickly. :) Should go back to the grocery store this weekend, I guess.
All right, just bought more Internet time and don't want to use too much up, so ta for now.
Hope everything in Canada's going okay -- no Canadian news here unless I check online. :P
(or not. please. the euros are already killing my bank account.)
Just stopping by, not staying long (not planning to, anyway), just wanted to say that I spent the weekend (Sat. - Sun) in Venice and when I had class on Monday it was such an odd feeling to go back to work after having a pure 2 day vacation. See, Siena has an air of work around it because I know when I'm there that I'm supposed to be working. Now...Venice, on the other hand, was completely just for fun, and so coming back and going to class after that....well... and put that together with a really hot classroom.... a lot of us were nodding off a bit in that second half of class on Monday. Think the room was even hotter today, if that's even possible.
Anyway, the reason I'm not staying here long is 'cause I have my first test tomorrow and I'm going to go study right after I'm done here. I've already more or less prepped the essay for the 50 mark question on the test, but here's hoping I don't forget half of it when I'm actually doing the test. :P Bah.
K, that's it for now. would have posted before the weekend, but blogger didn't like me. hope to hear from you all soon and take care! :)
Do I happen to have an mp3 of a song that you want? Check my list here and see if there's anything you need. Send me your e-mail address and state the song you want and I'll send the mp3 to you using, or SendSpace. :)
Music I need
There are the mp3s I'm looking for. If you have any of these and wouldn't mind sharing it with me, please use, or SendSpace to send it to me at verbatim119[at] Thanks much! :D
- none right now
Current Conditions
Right now, I am: feeling: reading: n/a. Last completed: City of Glass. working on: keeping optimistic listening to:LAUNCHcast Radio
loving: stories not liking: uncertainty anticipating: (chronological)
- Shutter Island
- Alice in Wonderland
- Deathly Hallows ( view complete list with dates )
Uppers and downers:
Ý new friends
Ý fiction
ßß the unknown
ßß lethargy
Most recent purchase(s):
eBay gift for a friend
Lesson #65: When you are running late or you are low on time, you will always be driving behind the slowest car possible.
Last download: Vampire Weekend albums
Last movie seen at a theater: The Princess Bride
Last movie seen on video/other: Starstruck
Quote of the moment:
"We were frightened of being left alone for the rest of our lives. Only people of a certain disposition are frightened of being alone for the rest of their lives at the age of 26…we were of that disposition." — High Fidelity
Lyrics of the moment: I miss Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Oh God I miss that show
Misspelling/factual/grammatical error of the moment:
"Visitors Parking"